Control Customization Details

You can customize camera features on the [Control customization] tab to suit your shooting preferences.

[Customized controls when shooting]

[Customize buttons for shooting]

You can assign common shooting functions to camera buttons that are easy for you to use. Different functions, for use when shooting still photos or movies, can be assigned to the same button.

  1. Select [Control customization: Customize buttons for shooting] (, ).

  2. Select a camera control.

    • To switch to [Control customization: Customize buttons for playback] (), press the INFO button.
  3. Select a function to assign.

    • Press SET to set it.
    • You can configure advanced settings for functions labeled with [INFO] in the lower left of the screen by pressing the INFO button.


  • [Lens Function button]: “AF Stop” or “Lens Function” button on super telephoto lenses with Image Stabilizer.
  • [Speedlite menu direct button]: “Menu direct” button on Speedlites.
  • Only still photo shooting settings can be assigned to [Shutter button half-press], [Movie shooting button], or [Speedlite menu direct button].
  • To clear settings configured with [Control customization: Customize buttons for shooting], select [Control customization: Clear all customized controls].

Functions available for customization


●: Default ○: Available for customization
Shutter button half-press Movie shooting button Multi-function button LCD panel illumination button MODE button AF-ON button AE lock button AF point button Depth-of-field preview button Lens Function button SET button Multi-controller Speedlite menu direct button
: Metering and AF start
○*1 - - - - - - -
: AF stop
- ○*1 - - -
: AF point selection
- ○*1 - -
: Direct AF point selection
- - - - - - - - - - - -
: Set AF point to center
- ○*1 - -
: Start/stop whole area AF tracking
- ○*1 - -
: Switch to registered AF point*1
- - - - - - - -
: Switch to registered AF func.*1
- - - - - - - -
: Direct AF area selection*1
- - -
: Direct select of sub to detect*1
- - -
: One-Shot AF Servo AF*1
- - -
: Moving AF pt, meter., AF by eye ctrl*1
●*3 - - - - - - - - - - - -
: Move AF point by eye control*1
- - - - - - - -
: Moving AF point, start AF by eye ctrl*1
- - - - - - - -
: Eye control*1
- - -
: AF on detected subject*1
- - - - - - - -
: Eye Detection AF*1
- - - - - - - -
: Eye detection
- ○*1 - -
: Spot detection
- ○*1 - -
: Register people priority
- ○*1 - -
: Action Priority*1
- - -
: Focus mode
- ○*1 - -
: Peaking
- ○*1 - -
: Focus guide
- ○*1 - -
: Register focus preset
- ○*1 - -
: Recall focus preset
- ○*1 - -
: Subj. detect. AF*2
- - - -
: Drive mode*1
- - -
: Switch Electronic shutter cont. shooting modes*1
- - - - - - - -

1: Cannot be assigned as a function available in movie recording.

2: Cannot be assigned as a function available in still photo shooting.

3: Default in still photo shooting.

Exposure Compensation

●: Default ○: Available for customization
Shutter button half-press Movie shooting button Multi-function button LCD panel illumination button MODE button AF-ON button AE lock button AF point button Depth-of-field preview button Lens Function button SET button Multi-controller Speedlite menu direct button
: AE lock, AF stop
- ○*1 - - -
: Metering start
○*1 - - - - - - - - - - - -
: AE lock
- ○*1 - - -
: AE lock (hold)
- ○*1 ●*4 - - -
: AE lock (while button pressed)*1
- - - - - - - - - - - -
: AE lock/FE lock*1
- ●*3 - - -
: Release AE Lock
- ○*1 - - -
: Expo comp (hold btn, turn Main Dial)
- - - - - - -
: ISO speed
- ○*1 - -
: Set ISO speed(hold btn,turnMain Dial)
- - - - - - -
: Flash firing*1
- - -
: FE lock*1
- - - -

1: Cannot be assigned as a function available in movie recording.

3: Default in still photo shooting.

4: Default in movie recording.


●: Default ○: Available for customization
Shutter button half-press Movie shooting button Multi-function button LCD panel illumination button MODE button AF-ON button AE lock button AF point button Depth-of-field preview button Lens Function button SET button Multi-controller Speedlite menu direct button
: Image size selection*1
- - -
: One-touch image quality setting*1
- - -
: One-touch image quality (hold)*1
- - -
: StillsCropping/aspect ratio*1
- - -
: Switch between crop/aspect*1
- - -
: Auto Lighting Optimizer
- ○*1 - -
: White balance selection
- ○*1 - -
: WB Shift/Bkt.*1
- - -
: WB correction*2
- - - -
: Picture Style
- ○*1 - -
: Record func+card/folder sel.
- ○*1 - -

1: Cannot be assigned as a function available in movie recording.

2: Cannot be assigned as a function available in still photo shooting.


●: Default ○: Available for customization
Shutter button half-press Movie shooting button Multi-function button LCD panel illumination button MODE button AF-ON button AE lock button AF point button Depth-of-field preview button Lens Function button SET button Multi-controller Speedlite menu direct button
: False color*2
- - - -
: Zebra*2
- - - -
: Movie recording
- ●*1*3 - -
: Pause Movie Servo AF*2
- - - -
: Audio Status*2
- - ●*4 - -
: Cinema zoom (to tele)
- ○*1 - -
: Cinema zoom (to wide)
- ○*1 - -
: Custom Picture*2
- - - -
: Pre-recording*2
- - - -
: Movie self-timer*2
- - - -
: Standby: Low res.*2
- - - -

1: Cannot be assigned as a function available in movie recording.

2: Cannot be assigned as a function available in still photo shooting.

3: Default in still photo shooting.

4: Default in movie recording.


●: Default ○: Available for customization
Shutter button half-press Movie shooting button Multi-function button LCD panel illumination button MODE button AF-ON button AE lock button AF point button Depth-of-field preview button Lens Function button SET button Multi-controller Speedlite menu direct button
: Flash function settings*1
- - ●*3
: Quick flash group control*1
- -
: Dial function settings
- ○*1 - -
: Maximize screen brightness (temp)
- ○*1 - -
: Power off
- ○*1 - - -
: Screen off
- ○*1 - -
: Unlock while button pressed
- - - - - - - - - - -
: Short press: LCD illumination Long press: LCD info switching
- - - - - - - - - - - -
: Short press: LCD info switching Long press: LCD illumination
- - - - - - - - - - - -
: LCD panel illumination
- ○*1 - - -
: LCD panel info switching
- ○*1 - - -
: Shooting mode settings
- ○*1 - - -
: Switch to Custom shooting mode
- - - - - - - - - - - -
: Silent shutter function*1
- - -
: Switch focus/control ring
- ○*1 - -
: Depth-of-field preview*1
- ●*3 - -
: Reset selected item in Fv mode*1
- - -
: Reset Tv/Av//ISO in Fv mode*1
- - -
: Quick Control screen
- ○*1 - -
: Magnify/Reduce
- ○*1 - -
: Image replay
- ○*1 - -
: Magnify images during playback
- ○*1 - -
: Register/recall shooting func*1
- - - - - - - -
: Menu display
- ○*1 - -
: Manual HF anti-flicker shoot(Tv)
- ○*1 - -
: Recom. Tv for HF anti-flicker shoot*1
- - -
: Touch Shutter*1
- - -
: OVF sim. view assist*1
- - -
: Display frame rate set.*1
- - -
: Communication function
- ○*1 - -
: Create folder*1
- - -
: Switch between VF/screen
- ○*1 - -
: No function (disabled)
- ○*1 ○*1

1: Cannot be assigned as a function available in movie recording.

3: Default in still photo shooting.

Shutter btn function for movies

You can set the functions performed by pressing the shutter button halfway or completely during movie recording.


  • In movie recording, the [Shutter btn function for movies] setting overrides any function assigned to the shutter button in [Control customization: Customize buttons for shooting].
  1. Select [Control customization: Shutter btn function for movies] ().

  2. Select an option.

    • Half-press

      Specify the function performed by pressing the shutter button halfway.

    • Fully-press

      Specify the function performed by pressing the shutter button completely.

  3. Select an option.

    [Half-press] options

    [Fully-press] options

    • With [Fully-press] set to [Start/stop mov rec], you can start/stop movie recording not only with the movie shooting button but also by pressing the shutter button completely, or by using Remote Switch RS-80N3 (sold separately).

Customize dials/control ring

Frequently used functions can be assigned to the Main dial/Quick control dial 2/Quick control dial 1/Control ring dials.

  1. Select [Control customization: Customize dials/control ring] (, ).

  2. Select a camera control.

  3. Select a function to assign.

    • Press SET to set it.
    • You can configure advanced settings for functions labeled with [INFO] in the lower left of the screen by pressing the INFO button.


  • To clear settings configured with [Control customization: Customize dials/control ring], select [Control customization: Clear all customized controls].

Functions available for dials

●: Default ○: Available for customization
Function Main dial Quick control dial 2 Quick control dial 1 Control ring
: Direct AF point selection - -
: Select AF area -
: Select AF area(while holding metering button) - - -
: Change shutter speed - - -
: Change aperture value - - -
: Exposure compensation -
: Set ISO speed -
: Change shutter spd. (hold meter. btn) - - -
: Change aperture (hold meter. btn) - - -
: Exposure comp. (hold meter. btn) - - -
: Set ISO speed(while holding metering button) - - -
: Flash exposure comp./output(while holding metering button) - - -
: Shutter speed setting in M mode -
: Aperture setting in M mode -
: White balance selection -
: Select color temperature -
: Picture Style -
: White balance selection(while holding metering button) - - -
: Select color temperature(while holding metering button) - - -
: Picture Style(while holding metering button) - - -
No function (disabled): No function (disabled)


  • The Quick control dial 2 dial cannot be customized in [Fv] mode.
  • [Control ring]: Control ring on RF lenses and mount adapters.

Main DialQuick Control Dial 2Quick Control Dial 1 direction to set Tv/Av

Dial turning direction when setting the shutter speed and aperture value can be reversed.

Reverses the turning direction of the Main dial, Quick control dial 2, and Quick control dial 1 dial in [M] shooting mode and only the Main dial dial in other shooting modes. The direction of the Quick control dial 2 and Quick control dial 1 dials in [M] mode matches the direction to set exposure compensation in [P], [Tv], and [Av] modes.

  • Normal: Normal
  • Reverse direction: Reverse direction

direction to set Tv/Av

The direction to set the shutter speed and aperture value with the control ring of RF or RF-S lenses or mount adapters can be reversed.

  • Normal: Normal
  • Reverse direction: Reverse direction

Switch Main Dial/Quick Control Dial 2 when shooting

Functions assigned to the Main dial and Quick control dial 2 can be reversed.

  • OFF: Disable
  • ON: Enable

Touch Shutter

Touch Shutter can be specified. When set to [Enable], [Touch Shutter: Disable] display in the lower left of the shooting screen changes to [Touch Shutter: Enable], and Touch Shutter is enabled.

For Touch Shutter instructions, see Shooting with the Touch Shutter.

Multi function lock

Specify camera controls to lock when the Multi-function lock is enabled. This can help prevent accidentally changing settings.

  1. Select [Control customization: Multi function lock] (, ).

  2. Select camera controls to lock.

    • Select a camera control and press SET to display [Check].
  3. Select [OK].

    • Setting the power/multi-function lock switch to Multi-function lock locks the selected [Check] camera controls.


  • An asterisk “*” to the right of [Control customization: Multi function lock] indicates that the default setting has been modified.

Touch & drag AF settings

You can move the AF point or Zone AF frame by tapping or dragging on the screen as you look through the viewfinder.

Touch & drag AF

Select [Enable] to enable Touch and Drag AF.

Positioning method

You can set how positions are specified by tapping or dragging.

  • Absolute

    The AF point moves to the tapped or dragged position on the screen.

  • Relative

    The AF point moves in the direction you drag, by an amount corresponding to the amount you drag, no matter where you tap the screen.

Active touch area

You can specify the area of the screen used for tap and drag operations.


  • A round orange frame [Round orange frame] is displayed when you tap the screen with [Autofocus: AF area] set to [Whole area AF]. After you lift your finger at the position to move the AF point to, [Tracking subject] is displayed and that subject is tracked. To cancel subject selection, tap [Subject tracking release].

Rel. sensitivity

By setting [Positioning method] to [Relative], you can specify the amount of movement in response to tapping or dragging.

For faster AF point positioning, set toward the positive end, and for slower positioning, set toward the negative end.

AF area selection control

You can set how AF area selection methods are switched.

  • Multi-function button: AF point selection→M-Fn button

    Press the AF point selection button, then the Multi-function button. Each press switches the AF area.

  • Main dial: AF point selection→Main Dial

    Press the AF point selection button, then turn the Main dial dial to switch the AF area.


  • When [AF point selection→Main Dial] is set, use Multi-controller to move the AF point horizontally.

Multi-controller sensitivity- AF pt select

You can adjust Multi-controller sensitivity, which applies to AF point positioning.

Focus/control ring

Menu-based switching of lens focus/control ring functionality.


  • Available when using lenses that have a combination focusing ring/control ring but have no switch to switch between these feature.
  • FOCUS: Use as focus ring

    The ring works as a focusing ring.

  • CONTROL: Use as control ring

    The ring works as a control ring.


  • To restrict [Autofocus: Focus mode] to [AF] when [Use as control ring] is selected, press the Q (Quick Control) button and add a checkmark [Check] to [Focus mode is AF when used as a control ring].
  • Switching is also possible from the Quick Control screen, when customized with [Shooting: Customize Quick Controls] ().

Focus ring rotation

You can reverse the direction that the focusing ring of RF lens is rotated to adjust settings.

  • : Normal
  • : Reverse direction

RF lens MF focus ring sensitivity

You can set the sensitivity of the RF lens focusing ring.

  • : Varies with rotation speed

    Focusing ring sensitivity varies depending on rotation speed.

  • : Linked to rotation degree

    The focal position is adjusted based on the amount of rotation, regardless of the rotation speed.

[Customized controls when playback]

Customize buttons for playback

You can assign common playback functions to camera buttons that are easy for you to use.

  1. Select [Control customization: Customize buttons for playback] ().

  2. Select a camera control.

    • To switch to [Control customization: Customize buttons for shooting] (), press the INFO button.
  3. Select a function to assign.

    • Press SET to set it.
    • You can configure advanced settings for functions labeled with [INFO] in the lower left of the screen by pressing the INFO button.


  • To clear settings configured with [Control customization: Customize buttons for playback], select [Control customization: Clear all customized controls].

Functions available for customization

●: Default ○: Available for customization
Rating/voice memo button Movie shooting button Multi-function button LCD panel illumination button Depth-of-field preview button SET button
: Protect
: Rating
: Erase images
/: Protect(Hold:Record memo)
- - - - -
/: Rating (Hold: Record memo)
- - - - -
: Hold to record voice memo
- - - - -
: Press to record voice memo
/: Play memo(Hold:Rec. memo)
- - - - -
/: Protect (image jump w/Assigned button+Quick Control Dial 1)
/: Rating (image jump w/Assigned button+Quick Control Dial 1)
: Cropping
: Image search
: Magnify/Reduce
: Switch Blur/out-of-focus detection display
: Send images to smartphone
: Transfer images to FTP server
: Image sel./transfer (FTP Server)
: Image sel./transfer (EOS Utility)
: Same as Custom. Button when shoot.
: No function (disabled)

Image jump w/Main Dial

To set how the camera jumps through images, you can turn the Main dial dial on the playback screen in single-image display.


  • With [Jump images by the specified number], you can turn the Main dial dial to select the number of images to jump by.
  • With [Display by image rating], turn the Main dial dial to select the rating (). Selecting Rate will show all rated images as you browse.
  • You can also change the jump method by pressing Multi-controller horizontally on the playback screen in single-image display.

Img jump w/Assigned button+Quick Control Dial 1

To set how the camera jumps through images, you can turn the Quick control dial 1 dial while pressing the button assigned to [Rate/Image browsing] [Protect/Image browsing] on the playback screen in single-image display.


  • You can configure this function when assigning [Rate/Image browsing] [Protect/Image browsing] to a button in [Control customization: Customize buttons for playback] ().
  • With [Jump images by the specified number], you can turn the Main dial dial to select the number of images to jump by.
  • With [Display by image rating], turn the Main dial dial to select the rating (). Selecting Rate will show all rated images as you browse.

Switch Main Dial/Quick Control Dial 2 during playback

You can switch the functions assigned to these dials, as used on the playback screen.

  • Disable

    Assigns [Image jump] to the Main dial dial and [Magnify/Index view] to the Quick control dial 2 dial.

  • Enable

    Assigns [Magnify/Index view] to the Main dial dial and [Image jump] to the Quick control dial 2 dial.


  • Corresponding icons in menus and on screens such as the Quick Control and Magnify/Reduce screen are changed accordingly.

[Customized controls/Reset]

Eye control

Eye control can be specified. For eye control instructions, see Using Eye Control.

Touch control

  • [Sensitive] makes the touch-screen panel more responsive than [Standard].
  • To disable touch operations, select [Disable].


  • Precautions for touch-screen panel operations

  • Do not use sharp objects such as fingernails or ballpoint pens for touch operations.
  • Do not use wet fingers for touch operations. If the screen has any moisture or if your fingers are wet, the touch-screen panel may not respond or malfunction may occur. In this case, turn off the power and wipe off the moisture with a cloth.
  • Attaching a commercially available protective sheet or a sticker on the screen may impair responsiveness to touch operations.
  • The camera may not respond as well if you quickly perform touch operation when [Sensitive] is set.

Clear all customized controls

Selecting [Control customization: Clear all customized controls] clears all control customization settings.