Main Recording Format

You can specify the format of movie files recorded.

  1. Select [Shooting: Main rec. format] ().

  2. Select an option.

XF-HEVC S and XF-AVC S Movies

XF-HEVC S and XF-AVC S movies are in original Canon video formats that are extensions of H.265/HEVC and MPEG-4 AVC/H.264, respectively. These formats maintain image quality while offering high data compression.

Main Recording Format Codec Brightness, Hue, Saturation (YCbCr)/Color Depth Description Restrictions
XF-HEVC S YCC422 10bit H.265/HEVC 4:2:2/10-bit

XF-HEVC S can be used to record 10-bit YCC 4:2:2 signals.

It is assumed that this material will be edited on a computer.

May not be played back correctly by some software.
XF-HEVC S YCC420 10bit H.265/HEVC 4:2:0/10-bit XF-HEVC S can be used to record 10-bit YCC 4:2:0 signals.
XF-AVC S YCC420 8bit MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 4:2:0/8-bit

XF-AVC S can be used to record 8-bit YCC 4:2:0 signals.

A recording format with wide playback compatibility in software.

Not available with [Shooting: Picture styleHDR shooting (PQ)] set to [HDR PQ].
XF-AVC S YCC422 10bit MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 4:2:2/10-bit

XF-AVC S can be used to record 10-bit YCC 4:2:2 signals.

It is assumed that this material will be edited on a computer.

May not be played back correctly by some software.


  • Consider selecting a 10-bit recording format for custom picture files with a color space set to [C.Gamut] or [BT.2020] ().

RAW Movies

RAW movies consist of raw data from the image sensor in a digital form.

You can use Digital Photo Professional (EOS software) to view and process RAW movies. For details, refer to the Digital Photo Professional instruction manual.


  • RAW movies cannot be processed with [Playback: RAW image processing].
  • [RAW] is not available in these cases.

    • [Movie Digital IS] in [Shooting: IS (Image Stabilizer) mode] is set to an option other than [Off]
    • [Shooting: Movie cropping] is set to [Enable]
    • [Shooting: Dual shooting (still&movie)] is set to [On]
    • The camera is connected by USB after you have selected [Video calls/streaming] in [Communication functions: Choose USB connection app]
    • With RF-S or EF-S lenses attached
  • RAW movie playback may cause the camera to become hot internally, which may cause movie playback to stop automatically.
  • Consider using two cards when you record RAW movies, so that you can also record a proxy movie and use it for playback.
  • Set [Movie Rec options] in [Set-up: Record func+card/folder sel.] to [Card 1Main Card 2Proxy] and [Movie Play] to [Card 2].


  • To display RAW movies on a computer, using Digital Photo Professional (EOS software, hereafter DPP) is recommended.
  • RAW images from this camera cannot be used with older versions of DPP. Download the latest version of DPP from the Canon website and install it, which will overwrite the previous version ().
  • Commercially available software may not be able to display RAW movies recorded by this camera. For compatibility information, contact the software manufacturer.
  • To prioritize gradation in highlights, consider setting [Custom Picture function] in [Shooting: Custom Picture] to [On].

Recording Proxy Movies

To record one version of movies to card 1 in the main recording format while recording another version to card 2 in a lighter format, set [Movie Rec options] in [Set-up: Record func+card/folder sel.] to [Card 1Main Card 2Proxy]. This is referred to as “proxy movie recording.”

[Shooting: Main rec. format] settings apply to card 1, where main movies are recorded. For the recording settings used to record proxy movies to card 2, the following items are set automatically based on card 1 settings.

  • Recording Format
  • Resolution
  • Frame Rate

Main movie settings correspond to the following, automatically configured proxy movie settings.

Main Movie Settings Proxy Movie Settings (Set Automatically)
Recording Format Image Size Recording Format Image Size

XF-HEVC S YCC422 10bit

XF-HEVC S YCC420 10bit



XF-HEVC S YCC420 10bit 2048×1080




XF-AVC S YCC420 8bit

XF-AVC S YCC422 10bit



XF-AVC S YCC420 8bit 2048×1080






XF-AVC S YCC420 8bit 2048×1080

Proxy movie frame rates match main movie frame rates.

Frame rates cannot be set higher than 100 fps.

Among proxy movie compression methods, only for bit rate, you can choose a [Compression] option ([: Standard (Long GOP) 16 Mbps] or [: Light (Long GOP) 9 Mbps]) for [Card 2] below [Shooting: Movie rec. size].


  • Recording proxy movies takes as much time as recording main movies. When recording stops for a main movie, recording also stops for the proxy movie.

    However, main movie recording continues even if errors stop proxy movie recording.

  • Icons on the movie recording screen indicate whether recording is possible for main and proxy movies.

    Main movie: (recording possible), (recording not possible)

    Proxy movie: (recording possible), (recording not possible)

  • Gradation of the sky, white walls, or similar image areas may not be reproduced smoothly in proxy movies under some shooting conditions.


  • On the movie recording screen, the amount of time remaining for movie recording refers to the time for main movies. If card 1 (for main movies) is not in the camera, the amount of time remaining for movie recording refers to the time for card 2 (proxy movies).