Multiple Exposures

As you shoot multiple exposures (2–9), you can see how the images will be merged into a single image.

  1. Select [Shooting: Multiple exposure] ().

  2. Set [Multiple exposure].

    • Select an option, then press SET.
    • To exit shooting multiple exposures, select [Disable].
    • On:Func/Ctrl

      Convenient when reviewing the results of each multiple exposure as you shoot. Continuous shooting speed is slower with this option.

    • On:ContShtng

      Used for continuous multiple exposures of moving subjects. These operations are not available during continuous shooting: menu screen display, image review after capture, image playback, and undo last image ().

      Note that the single exposures used for merging are discarded, and only the multiple-exposure image is saved.

  3. Set [Multi-expos ctrl].

    • Select a merging option, then press SET.
    • Additive

      The exposure of each single image captured is added cumulatively. Based on [No. of exposures], set negative exposure compensation. Follow these basic guidelines to set the exposure compensation amount.

      Exposure compensation setting guidelines, by number of exposures

      Two exposures: –1 stop, three exposures: –1.5 stops, four exposures: –2 stops

    • Average

      Based on the [No. of exposures], negative exposure compensation is set automatically as you shoot multiple exposures. In multiple exposures of the same scene, auto exposure control provides standard exposure behind the subject.

    • Bright/Dark

      Brightness (or darkness) of the base image and added images is compared at the same position, and bright (or dark) portions are retained. Some overlapping colors may be mixed, depending on the relative brightness (or darkness) of the images.

  4. Set [No. of exposures].

    • Select the number of exposures, then press SET.
  5. Specify the images to save.

    • To save all single exposures and the multiple-exposure image, select [All images] and press SET.
    • To save only the multiple-exposure image, select [Result only] and press SET.
  6. Set [Continue Mult-exp].

    • Select an option, then press SET.
    • With [1 shot only], multiple-exposure shooting will be canceled automatically after the shooting ends.
    • With [Continuously], multiple-exposure shooting continues until the setting in step 2 is set to [Disable].
  7. Shoot the first exposure.

    • When [On:Func/Ctrl] is set, the captured image will be displayed.
    • The [Multiple exposures] icon blinks.
    • The number of remaining exposures is indicated on the screen (1) for reference.
    • Pressing the Playback button enables you to view the captured image ().
  8. Shoot the next exposures.

    • Images captured so far are displayed merged. For only image display, press the INFO button repeatedly.
    • Multiple-exposure shooting will end when the set number of exposures are taken.


  • With [On:Func/Ctrl], you can press the Playback button to view the multiple-exposure image so far, and you can delete the previous single exposure ().
  • As shooting information, the multiple-exposure image has information captured for the last shot.


  • Image noise, color shift, or banding may be noticeable in multiple exposures, depending on subjects and shooting conditions.
  • With multiple exposures, the more exposures there are, the more noticeable the noise, irregular colors, and banding will be.
  • Multiple-exposure shooting is canceled if you set the power switch to Power off or switch batteries or cards.
  • Multiple-exposure shooting ends if you set the shooting mode to [Scene Intelligent Auto]/[C1]/[C2]/[C3] or switch to movie recording.
  • If you connect the camera to a computer, multiple-exposure shooting will not be possible. If you connect the camera to a computer during shooting, multiple-exposure shooting will end.
  • [Shooting: Display frame rate set.] is locked on [Smooth] when [Multiple exposure] is set to an option other than [Disable].

Merging Multiple Exposures with a JPEG Image Recorded on the Card

You can select a JPEG image recorded on the card as the first single exposure. The selected JPEG image will remain intact.

  1. Select [Select image for multi. expo.].

  2. Select the first image.

    • Turn the Quick control dial 1 dial to select the first image, then press SET.
    • Select [OK].
    • The file number of the selected image will be displayed at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Take the picture.

    • When you select the first image, the number of remaining exposures as set with [No. of exposures] will decrease by 1.

Images you can select

You can select a JPEG image shot at the same angle of view as the first selected JPEG.

  • Images captured at a full-frame angle of view

    Images captured using RF/EF lenses and with [Shooting: StillsCropping/aspect ratio] set to [Full-frame]

  • Images captured at an APS-C angle of view

    • Images captured using RF/EF lenses and with [Shooting: StillsCropping/aspect ratio] set to [1.6x (crop)]
    • Images captured using RF-S/EF-S lenses


  • The following images cannot be selected.

    • RAW or HEIF images
    • JPEG images in Medium / Small 1 / Small 2 sizes
    • Images with [Shooting: StillsCropping/aspect ratio] set to an option other than [Full-frame] or [1.6x (crop)]
    • Images from other cameras
  • Images that cannot be merged may be displayed.


  • You can also select a JPEG image used in multiple-exposure shooting.
  • Select [Deselect img] to cancel image selection.
  • The color space set for the first image also applies to subsequent images.

Checking and Deleting Multiple Exposures During Shooting

To view the multiple-exposure image so far, check exposure, and see how the images are merged, you can press the Playback button before you finish shooting your specified number of exposures (when [On:Func/Ctrl] is set, but not with [On:ContShtng]).

Pressing the Erase button will display the operations possible during multiple-exposure shooting.

Option Description
Return to previous screen The screen before you pressed the Erase button will reappear.
Undo last image Deletes the last image you shot (enabling you to replace it by shooting again). The number of remaining exposures will increase by 1.
Save and exit

With [Save source imgs: All images], saves all single exposures and the multiple-exposure image created so far and exits multiple-exposure shooting.

With [Save source imgs: Result only], saves only the multiple-exposure image created so far and exits multiple-exposure shooting.

Exit without saving Exits the multiple-exposure shooting without saving the image.


  • During multiple-exposure shooting, you can only play back multiple-exposure images.

Troubleshooting FAQ

  • Are there any restrictions on the image quality?

    Multiple exposures are captured as JPEG [Large: Image quality 8] images. Even when [Shooting: Img type/size] is set to RAW only, these images are captured as JPEG [Large: Image quality 8] images.

  • Can I merge images recorded on the card?

    With [Select image for multi. expo.], you can select the first single exposure from the images recorded on the card (). Note that you cannot merge multiple images already recorded on the card.

  • How are multiple-exposure files numbered?

    With the camera set to save all images, multiple-exposure image files are named with the next number after the number of the last single exposure used to create them.

  • Will auto power off take effect during multiple-exposure shooting?

    During multiple-exposure shooting, auto power off will not take effect. Note that before you start multiple-exposure shooting, auto power off automatically takes effect at the time set in the [Auto power off] option of [Set-up: Power saving], which will cancel multiple-exposure shooting.