Movie Recording

Scene Intelligent Auto (movies)/Program AE (movies) Autoexposure Recording

Exposure is controlled automatically to suit the brightness.

  1. Set the recording mode to [Scene Intelligent Auto (movies)] or [Program AE (movies)].

    • Press the MODE button, then turn the Main dial dial to select [Scene Intelligent Auto (movies)] or [Program AE (movies)].
  2. Focus on the subject.

    • Before recording a movie, focus with AF () or manual focus ().
    • The camera focuses continuously under default settings, with [Movie Servo AF] in [Autofocus: Movie Servo AF] set to [Enable] ().
    • By default, pressing the AF start button focuses using your specified AF area.
    • By default, pressing the shutter button halfway starts metering.
  3. Record the movie.

    • Press the movie shooting button to start recording a movie. You can also start recording a movie by tapping [Movie recording] on the screen.
    • While the movie is being recorded, [Focus indicatorREC] (1) is displayed, the screen is outlined in red, and the tally lamp is lit.
    • Sound is recorded by the microphone (2).
    • To stop recording the movie, press the movie shooting button again. You can also stop recording a movie by tapping [Stop movie] on the screen.

Shutter-Priority AE

[Shutter-priority AE (movies)] recording mode enables you to set your preferred shutter speed for movies. ISO speed and aperture values are set automatically to suit the brightness and obtain standard exposure.

  1. Set the recording mode to [Shutter-priority AE (movies)].

    • Press the MODE button, then turn the Main dial dial to select [Shutter-priority AE (movies)].
  2. Set the shutter speed (1).

    • Set it by looking at the screen as you turn the Main dial dial.
    • Available shutter speeds vary by frame rate ().
  3. Focus and record the movie.


  • Avoid adjusting shutter speed while recording movies, which will record changes in exposure.
  • When recording a movie of a moving subject, a shutter speed of approx. 1/25 sec. to 1/125 sec. is recommended. The faster the shutter speed, the less smooth the subject's movement will look.
  • If you change the shutter speed while recording under fluorescent or LED lighting, image flicker may be recorded.

Aperture-Priority AE

[Aperture-priority AE (movies)] recording mode enables you to set your preferred aperture value for movies. ISO speed and shutter speed are set automatically to suit the brightness and obtain standard exposure.

  1. Set the recording mode to [Aperture-priority AE (movies)].

    • Press the MODE button, then turn the Main dial dial to select [Aperture-priority AE (movies)].
  2. Set the aperture value (1).

    • Set it by looking at the screen as you turn the Main dial dial.
  3. Focus and record the movie.


  • Avoid adjusting the aperture value while recording movies, which will record changes in exposure caused by aperture adjustment.


  • Notes for [Scene Intelligent Auto (movies)], [Program AE (movies)], [Shutter-priority AE (movies)], and [Aperture-priority AE (movies)] modes

  • You can lock the exposure (AE lock) by pressing the AE lock button (except in [Scene Intelligent Auto (movies)] mode). After applying AE lock during movie recording, you can cancel it by pressing the AE lock button. (AE lock setting is retained until you press the AE lock button.)
  • Exposure compensation can be set in a range of up to ±3 stops by turning the Quick control dial 1 dial (except in [Scene Intelligent Auto (movies)] mode).
  • In [Scene Intelligent Auto (movies)] and [Program AE (movies)] mode, the ISO speed, shutter speed, and aperture value are not recorded in movie Exif information.
  • The camera is compatible with Speedlite functionality to activate the LED light automatically under low light when recording movies in [Scene Intelligent Auto (movies)], [Program AE (movies)], [Shutter-priority AE (movies)], and [Aperture-priority AE (movies)] modes. For details, refer to the Instruction Manual of the EX series Speedlite equipped with an LED light.

Scene Icons

In [Scene Intelligent Auto (movies)] recording mode, the camera detects the type of scene and sets all settings accordingly. The detected scene type is indicated in the upper left of the screen. For icon details, see Scene Icons.

ISO Speed in [Scene Intelligent Auto (movies)]/[Program AE (movies)]/[Shutter-priority AE (movies)]/[Aperture-priority AE (movies)] Mode

ISO speed is set automatically. See ISO speed (recommended exposure index) in movie recording.

Manual Exposure Recording

You can manually set the shutter speed, aperture value, and ISO speed for movie recording.

  1. Set the recording mode to [Manual exposure (movies)].

    • Press the MODE button, then turn the Main dial dial to select [Manual exposure (movies)].
  2. Set the shutter speed, aperture value, and ISO speed.

    • Press the shutter button halfway and check the exposure level indicator.
    • Turn the Main dial dial to set the shutter speed (1), the Quick control dial 1 dial to set the aperture value (2), and the Quick control dial 2 dial to set the ISO speed (3).
    • Available shutter speeds vary by frame rate ().
  3. Focus and record the movie.


  • ISO speed cannot be expanded to L (equivalent to ISO 50) in movie recording.
  • During movie recording, avoid changing the shutter speed, aperture value, or ISO speed, which may record changes in the exposure or create more noise at high ISO speeds.
  • When recording a movie of a moving subject, a shutter speed of approx. 1/25 sec. to 1/125 sec. is recommended. The faster the shutter speed, the less smooth the subject's movement will look.
  • If you change the shutter speed while recording under fluorescent or LED lighting, image flicker may be recorded.


  • Exposure compensation with ISO Auto can be set in a range of ±3 stops.
  • When ISO Auto is set, you can press the AE lock button to lock the ISO speed. After locking the ISO speed during movie recording, you can cancel it by pressing the AE lock button. (ISO speed lock is maintained until you press the AE lock button.)
  • If you press the AE lock button and recompose the shot, you can see the exposure level difference on the exposure level indicator () compared to when the AE lock button was pressed.

ISO Speed in [Manual exposure (movies)] Mode

You can set the ISO speed manually or select [AUTO] to set it automatically. For details on ISO speed, see ISO speed (recommended exposure index) in movie recording.

Shutter Speed

Available shutter speeds in [Shutter-priority AE (movies)] and [Manual exposure (movies)] mode vary depending on the frame rate of your specified movie recording quality.

Frame Rate Shutter Speed (Sec.)
Normal Movie Recording High Frame Rate Movie Recording
239.8 fps 1/250–1/8000
119.9 fps 1/125–1/8000
100.0 fps 1/100–1/8000
59.94 fps 1/8–1/8000
50.00 fps
29.97 fps
25.00 fps
24.00 fps
23.98 fps

Still Photo Shooting

If you will shoot still photos while recording movies, set up [Shooting: Dual shooting (still&movie)]. After this, shoot still photos as you would normally do.

Information Display (Movie Recording)

For details on the icons on the movie recording screen, see Information Display.


  • The remaining time displayed for movie recording is only a guideline.
  • Movie recording may stop before the initially displayed recording time elapses if the red [Overheating restriction (red)] icon appears due to high internal camera temperature during recording ().