Custom Pictures

Custom picture files on the camera enable you to adjust color tones in movie recording by applying a combination of settings (gamma/color space, color matrix, and look files), mainly in preparation for post-production processing.

  • You can select a custom picture file to record movies with your preferred image characteristics.
  • Preset custom picture files can be edited to create new ones.
  • To adjust movie color tones, you can register look files.


  • Applying custom pictures may change the metering level.

Selecting Custom Picture Files

  1. Select [Shooting: Custom Picture] ().

  2. Select [Custom Picture function].

  3. Select [On].

  4. Select [Select Custom Picture File].

  5. Select a custom picture file.

    Custom Picture File Gamma/Color Space Look File Color Matrix Summary
    C1: Canon 709 Canon 709 / BT.709 Off Neutral

    Wider dynamic range than BT.709 Standard

    Suitable for display on BT.709 compliant-monitors

    Also suitable without post-processing

    C2: Canon Log 2 Canon Log 2 / C.Gamut Off Neutral

    Uses Canon Log 2 gamma; post-processing required

    Superior tonality in dark image areas than Canon Log 3

    C3: Canon Log 3 Canon Log 3 / C.Gamut Off Neutral

    Uses Canon Log 3 gamma; post-processing required

    Retains Canon Log characteristics while expanding the dynamic range

    C4: PQ PQ / BT.2020 Off Neutral Uses an HDR gamma curve compliant with the ITU-R BT.2100 (PQ) standard (in 8-bit recording, equivalent to the ITU-R BT.2100 (PQ) standard)
    C5: HLG HLG / BT.2020 Off Neutral Uses an HDR gamma curve compliant with the ITU-R BT.2100 (HLG) standard (in 8-bit recording, equivalent to the ITU-R BT.2100 (HLG) standard)
    C6: BT.709 Standard BT.709 Standard / BT.709 Off Video

    Suitable for display on BT.709 compliant-monitors

    Uses a gamma curve compliant with the ITU-R BT.709 standard

    C7 to C20 (User07 to User20) Canon 709 / BT.709 Off Neutral

    Wider dynamic range than BT.709 Standard

    Suitable for display on BT.709 compliant-monitors

    Also suitable without post-processing

Editing Custom Pictures

You can edit settings of the selected custom picture file.

  1. Select [Edit Custom Picture File].

    • To edit a protected ([Protect]) custom picture file, select [Unprotect] by [Protect] to enable editing.
  2. Edit the settings as needed.

    • Select a setting to edit, then adjust it on the screen displayed ().
    • To save an edited custom picture file with a new name, select [Rename] and enter a name.
    • To reset editing, select [Reset], then select the custom picture file to reset.
    • For instructions on look files, see Using Look Files.
  3. Protect the image.

    • When you are finished editing, select [Protect].

Custom Picture Setting Items

The following items can be set by using [Edit Custom Picture File].

Setting Item Description

Gamma/Color Space

Set the combination of gamma curve and color space


(1) Output

(2) Input

Canon Log 2

Gamma with richer gradation in dark image areas than Canon Log 3

Requires image processing in post-production

Canon Log 3

Gamma that retains Canon Log characteristics but with expanded dynamic range

Requires image processing in post-production

PQ HDR gamma compliant with the ITU-R BT.2100 (PQ) standard (in 8-bit recording, equivalent to the ITU-R BT.2100 (PQ) standard)
HLG HDR gamma compliant with the ITU-R BT.2100 (HLG) standard (in 8-bit recording, equivalent to the ITU-R BT.2100 (HLG) standard)
BT.709 Standard

Gamma compliant with the ITU-R BT.709 standard

Suitable for display on BT.709 compliant-monitors

Canon 709

Gamma with a wide dynamic range that is also suitable without post-processing

Suitable for viewing on BT.709 compliant-monitors

Color space C.Gamut

Color space developed by Canon based on image sensor characteristics, covering a wider color gamut than that of BT.2020

Also recommended when converting to the ACES2065-1 color space

BT.2020 Color space compliant with the ITU-R BT.2020 standard for UHDTV (4K/8K)
BT.709 Standard color space compliant with sRGB standards

Color Matrix

Color reproduction setting

Neutral Faithful color reproduction
Production Camera Cinematic color reproduction
Video Color reproduction with a contrast for broadcast TV

Look File

Use of look files

On Enables color adjustment based on look files
Off Disables color adjustment based on look files

Look File Setup

Look file registration/removal

Register Registers look files (.cube format) to custom pictures
Delete Removes look files registered to custom pictures

HLG Color

Hybrid log-gamma (HLG) color setting

Available when the [Gamma/Color Space] gamma is set to [HLG] and color space is [BT.2020]

BT.2100 Color equivalent to ITU-R BT.2100
Vivid Color equivalent to “traditional color” in ITU-R BT.2390


Black level adjustment

Not available with [Gamma/Color Space] set to [Canon Log 2] or [Canon Log 3]

Master Pedestal –50 to +50 Increases or decreases the black level. Higher values brighten dark image areas but decrease contrast. Negative values darken blacks.

Master Black Red

Master Black Green

Master Black Blue

–50 to +50 Corrects red, green, or blue color cast in blacks

Black Gamma

Lower gamma curve correction, for dark image areas

Raises or lowers the black part of the gamma curve in the following ranges

Available with [Gamma/Color Space] set to [BT.709 Standard]

(1) Output

(2) Input

(3) Point

(4) Level

(5) Range

Level –50 to +50 Sets the height of the lower gamma curve
Range –20 to +50 Sets the adjustment range, relative to [Point]
Point Sets the vertex position

Low Key Saturation

Color saturation adjustment in dark image areas

Activate On, Off Adjustment is enabled when set to [On]
Level –50 to +50 Sets the amount of adjustment


Compression of bright image areas to prevent clipped highlights

Available with [Gamma/Color Space] set to [BT.709 Standard]

(1) Output

(2) Input



Activate On, Off Adjustment with each setting is enabled when set to [On]
Slope –35 to +50 Adjusts the slope above the knee point
Point 50 to 109 Adjusts the knee point
Saturation –10 to +10 Adjusts color saturation in bright image areas


Sharpness adjustment

Level –10 to +50 Increases or decreases the level of edge sharpness
Detail Frequency –8 to +8

Sets the center frequency for edge enhancement

Higher values increase the frequency, sharpening images

Coring Level –30 to +50

Sets the contrast threshold between edges and surrounding image areas, which determines edge enhancement

Higher values prevent emphasizing subtle details, reducing noise

Limit –50 to +50 Restricts the amount of edge enhancement

Noise Reduction

Reduction of image noise

Automatic On, Off Automatically adjusted when set to [On]
Spatial Filter Off, 1 to 12

Reduces noise by applying a soft focus-like effect to the entire image

Although no artifacts are produced, the image as a whole is softened when set to an option other than [Off]

Frame Correlation Off, 1 to 3

Reduces noise by comparing current and previous images (fields) when set to a value other than off

Although apparent resolution is not affected, moving subjects may result in artifacts

Skin Detail

Skin-softening settings

Controls skin tone detection and noise reduction

Detected skin tone areas are displayed with a zebra pattern

Effect Level Off, Low, Middle, High Sets the level of the skin-softening filter, with [High] as the highest level
Hue –16 to +16 Sets the hue of skin tone to detect
Chroma 0 to 31 Sets the saturation of skin tone to detect
Area Sets the color range of skin tone to detect
Y Level Sets the brightness of skin tone to detect

Color Matrix Tuning

Fine-tuning of image color tones

Gain –50 to +50 Adjusts color intensity
Phase –18 to +18 Adjusts hue
R-G –50 to +50 Adjusts tint between cyan to green and between red to magenta
R-B Adjusts tint between cyan to blue and between red to yellow
G-R Adjusts tint between magenta to red and between green to cyan
G-B Adjusts tint between magenta to blue and between green to yellow
B-R Adjusts tint between yellow to red and between blue to cyan
B-G Adjusts tint between yellow to green and between blue to magenta

Color Correction

Settings to correct image areas with certain color characteristics

Areas for correction are detected accordingly

With the settings configured, areas not detected are displayed in neutral colors (except when adjusting [Area A Revision Level], [Area B Revision Level], [Area A Revision Phase], and [Area B Revision Phase])

Select Area Off, Area A, Area B, Area A&B

Specifies areas (A or B) for color correction

Area A is corrected when set to [Area A]

Area B is corrected when set to [Area B]

Both areas are corrected when set to [Area A&B]

Area A Setting Phase 0 to 31 Sets the color phase of Area A
Area B Setting Phase Sets the color phase of Area B
Area A Setting Chroma Sets the saturation of Area A
Area B Setting Chroma Sets the saturation of Area B
Area A Setting Area Sets the color range of Area A
Area B Setting Area Sets the color range of Area B
Area A Setting Y Level Sets the brightness of Area A
Area B Setting Y Level Sets the brightness of Area B
Area A Revision Level –50 to +50 Sets the amount of correction applied to saturation in Area A
Area B Revision Level Sets the amount of correction applied to saturation in Area B
Area A Revision Phase –18 to +18 Sets the amount of correction applied to the color phase of Area A
Area B Revision Phase Sets the amount of correction applied to the color phase of Area B

Other Functions

[Over 100%] determines how the camera handles signals exceeding 100%

Available with [Gamma/Color Space] set to [BT.709 Standard]

Over 100% Through Unmodified output
Press Compresses signals that are up to 108% so that they are at 100% levels
Clip Discards portions of signals exceeding 100%

Checking Custom Picture Settings

You can review custom picture file settings from the [Custom Picture] menu.

  1. Select a custom picture file ().

  2. On the [Custom Picture] screen, select [Status].

  3. Check the settings.

Saving and Loading Custom Picture Files

Edited custom picture files can be saved to a card and used with other cameras of the same model.

  1. Select a custom picture file to save ().

  2. On the [Custom Picture] screen, select [Save Custom Picture File].

  3. Select an option.

    • Save to card

      Saves the edited custom picture file. Select a destination, then select [OK].

      Up to 20 files can be saved. [New File] is displayed when you save the file, unless more than 20 files have already been saved. If 20 files have been saved, the files are overwritten with new files you save.

    • Load from card

      Loads a custom picture file from a card. Select the file to load, then select [OK].

Using Look Files

You can register 17- or 33-grid 3D LUT files in .cube format from the Blackmagic Design application DaVinci Resolve as look files in custom picture files to adjust the color tone of movies you record.

Registering look files

Before you begin, the look file to register should be copied to a card.

  1. Load the card in the camera.

  2. Select a custom picture file ().

  3. Select [Edit Custom Picture File].

    • To edit a protected ([Protect]) custom picture file, select [Unprotect] by [Protect] to enable editing.
    • If you will edit a custom picture file and register a look file at the same time, do the look file registration last.
  4. Select [Look File Setup].

  5. Select [Register].

    • Look files on the card are listed.
  6. Select a look file.

  7. After applying the look file, select the gamma/color space.

  8. Select [OK].


  • The following look files are not compatible.

    • Input range outside a range of 0–1 in the header (“LUT_3D_INPUT_RANGE”)
    • 2 MB or larger, or with names exceeding 65 characters (including file extension)
    • With file names that include unsupported characters

      Supported characters: 0–9, a–z, A–Z, underscore (_), hyphen (-), period (.), or single-byte space

  • Data section includes values outside a range of 0–1
  • Color tones will not be converted correctly unless a suitable gamma/color space is used for input and output.
  • A registered look file cannot be used if you change [Gamma/Color Space], [HLG Color], or [Over 100%] settings after registration.
  • Signals above 100% or below 0% are not be used with [Gamma/Color Space] set to [BT.709 Standard]. Before registering look files for any signals above 100% that you will use, select [Press] in [Over 100%].

  • Registered look files are applied to RAW movie thumbnails but not applied during playback.

Using look files for color adjustment

You can use registered look files for color adjustment.

  1. On the [Edit Custom Picture File] screen, select [Look File].

  2. Select [On].

    • To disable color adjustment based on look files, select [Off].

Removing look files

  1. Select a custom picture file ().

  2. Select [Edit Custom Picture File].

  3. Select [Look File Setup].

  4. Select [Delete].

  5. Select [OK].

Canon Log Image Quality

  • With Canon Log, skies, white walls, and similar subjects may be affected by noise or uneven gradation, exposure, or colors, depending on the subject or shooting conditions. Banding or noise may also be noticeable in dark image areas.
  • Noise may become more noticeable if you enhance the contrast or edit images in similar ways.
  • Record a few test movies and check the results in advance.
  • Image quality may improve if you change the ISO speed or, in post-production, perform color grading.


  • With Canon Log, autofocusing may be more difficult for subjects under low light, or for low-contrast subjects.

    Difficulty in autofocusing can be reduced by shooting near maximum aperture or using a bright lens.

  • Noise may appear at image edges if [Peripheral illum corr] in [Shooting: Lens aberration correction] is set to [Enable] when Canon Log is set.
  • Histograms with [Shooting: StillsMoviePlayback HDR/C.Log View Assist.] set to [On] are not based on conversion for View Assist display. Image areas shown in gray in the histogram roughly indicate signal values that are not used.