Quick Control

You can directly and intuitively select and set the settings displayed.

Quick Control in Still Photo Shooting or Playback

  1. Press the Q (Quick Control) button (Timer 10 sec.).

  2. Select a setting item and set your preferred option.

    • To select an item, turn the Quick control dial 1 dial or press Multi-controller up or down.
    • To adjust the setting, turn the Main dial or Quick control dial 2 dial, or press Multi-controller left or right. Some items are set by pressing a button after this.
    • You can customize the setting items on the screen shown above in [Shooting: Customize Quick Controls] ().
    • To access the Customize Quick Controls screen, press and hold the Q (Quick Control) button ().
    • Press Multi-controller vertically or horizontally to select an item on the screen shown above.
    • To adjust the setting, turn the Main dial, Quick control dial 1, or Quick control dial 2 dial. Some items are set by pressing a button after this.

Quick Control in Movie Recording

As in still photo shooting, press the Q (Quick Control) button to access the Quick Control screen. Each press of the Q (Quick Control) button switches between screens if you have selected ([Check]) both [Display 1] and [Display 2] in [Shooting: Quick Ctrl screen] (), but only the selected screen is displayed if one is selected ([Check]).

[Display 1]

[Display 2]

Movie recording screen

Use the [Display 1] screen as described in Quick Control in Still Photo Shooting or Playback. Use the [Display 2] screen as follows.

  1. Switch pages as needed.

    • Turn the Main dial or Quick control dial 2 dial to switch pages.
    • You can also switch pages by tapping (A) or swiping left or right.
  2. Select an item.

    • Turn the Quick control dial 1 dial or press Multi-controller vertically or horizontally to select an item, then press the SET.
  3. Select an option.

    • To select an option, turn the Main dial, Quick control dial 1, or Quick control dial 2 dial or press Multi-controller up or down (or in some cases, left or right).

    Detailed settings screen

    • Turn the Main dial dial to select a tab (1).
    • Press Multi-controller vertically or horizontally to change the setting (2).
    • Press SET to confirm your selection and return to the screen in step 2.
  4. Set an option.

    • Press SET to set it.
  5. Exit the setting.

    • Press the Q (Quick Control) button to return to shooting standby.