Magnified Image Display

You can magnify display of your captured images.

  1. Magnify the image.

    • Turn the Quick control dial 2 dial clockwise.
    • The magnified view will appear. The position of the magnified area (1) is displayed in the lower right of the screen, along with [Quick control dial 2Magnify or reduce].
    • To magnify images, turn the Quick control dial 2 dial clockwise.
    • To reduce magnification, turn the Quick control dial 2 dial counterclockwise. For index display (), keep turning the dial.
  2. Scroll the image.

    • Use Multi-controller to scroll around the magnified image.
    • Press the Magnify or reduce or MENU button to exit magnified view.


  • To switch to other images while maintaining magnified view, turn the Quick control dial 1 dial.
  • Magnification is not available for movies.
  • You can also magnify images by pressing Multi-controller straight in, which has the same effect as the Magnify or reduce button.

Setting the Initial Magnification Ratio

You can set the initial magnification ratio.

  1. Select [Playback: Magnification] ().

  2. Select [Magnificatn (apx)].

  3. Select an option.

    • 2x, 4x, 8x, 10x

      Magnified view starts at the selected magnification ratio.

    • Actual size

      Displays images essentially full-size, based on their pixels.

    • Same as last

      Magnified view resumes from the same ratio as the last time you exited magnified view with the Playback or Magnify or reduce button.

Setting the Initial Magnification Position

You can set the initial magnification position.

  1. Select [Playback: Magnification] ().

  2. Select [Magnified position].

  3. Select an option.

    • From center

      Magnified view starts from the center of the screen.

    • From focus pt

      Magnified view starts from the AF point in focus. If the photo is taken with manual focus, the magnified view starts from the center of the screen.

Magnification for Subsequent Images

You can specify whether to maintain the same position for magnified view or to use the position set in [Magnified position] when displaying subsequent images.

  1. Select [Playback: Magnification] ().

  2. Select [Maintain position].

  3. Select an option.

    • Enable

      The current magnified position is maintained when displaying subsequent images in magnified view.

    • Disable

      The position set in [Magnified position] is used when displaying subsequent images in magnified view.