HDR/C. Log View Assist

The appearance of images in HDR shooting () with [Shooting: Picture styleHDR shooting (PQ)] or in shooting with custom pictures () applied, as shown on the camera screen, viewfinder, or non-HDR display devices connected via HDMI, can be made to resemble the appearance on HDR display devices.


  • Recorded movies will look different from how they appear on the screen.

View Assist Display Conditions

  • [Shooting: Picture styleHDR shooting (PQ)] is set to [HDR PQ]
  • [Gamma/Color Space] in [Shooting: Custom Picture] is set as follows

    • Canon Log 2 / C.Gamut
    • Canon Log 3 / C.Gamut
    • PQ / BT.2020
    • HLG / BT.2020

    HLG stands for Hybrid Log-Gamma.

  • The following gamma/color space is selected in Registering look files, before setting [Look File] to [On]

    • HDR PQ(BT.2100)
    • HDR HLG(BT.2100)

View Assist Display Settings

  1. Select [Shooting: StillsMoviePlayback HDR/C.Log View Assist.] (, ).

  2. Select screen or viewfinder display.

    • Screen/Finder

      Use View Assist display on the screen [] and viewfinder [].

    • HDMI

      Use view-assisted display on non-HDR display devices connected via HDMI.

  3. Select an option.

    Screen and viewfinder

    • On (BT.709 during Custom Picture)

      When the camera is set to [HDR PQ], converted images are displayed that resemble how the images would look on an HDR display device.

      Image display with a custom picture applied involves basic conversion to a standard gamma/color space.

    • On (HDR Assist during Custom Picture)

      When the camera is set to [HDR PQ], converted images are displayed that resemble how the images would look on an HDR display device.

      Image display with a custom picture applied involves conversion so that subjects with intermediate brightness resemble how they would appear on an HDR display device.


    • Select [On].


  • Optical viewfinder simulation is used for display when [Shooting: OVF sim. view assist] is set to [On].


  • [View Assist] is shown on the information display screen during movie recording with View Assist.
  • View Assist is also used with magnified view.
  • View Assist display settings do not affect the images captured.