High-Frequency Anti-Flicker Shooting

Images may be affected by banding if you shoot under light sources that flicker at high frequencies. High-frequency anti-flicker shooting enables you to take pictures at suitable shutter speeds for high-frequency flickering, which minimizes the effect of this flickering on images.


  • Exposure in still photo shooting may vary.
  • Before high-frequency anti-flicker shooting, consider setting [Custom Functions: Same expo. for new aperture] to [ISO speed].
  1. Select a shooting mode ().

    • Press the MODE button to select [Tv] or [M].
  2. Select [Shooting: HF anti-flicker shooting] (, ).

  3. Select [HF anti-flicker shooting].

  4. Select [Enable].

  5. Select an item.

Recommended Tv Setting

The camera detects 50.0–8193.7 Hz light sources and displays a suitable shutter speed for shooting under light sources that flicker at high frequencies. You can then switch to the indicated shutter speed.

  1. Set the desired shutter speed.

    • Set the shutter speed you would prefer to shoot at. For light sources that flicker at high frequencies, the camera will determine a suitable shutter speed near this value.
  2. Select [Recommend Tv sett.].

  3. Select [OK].

    • It may improve HF flicker detection accuracy to magnify, as much as possible, any areas affected by banding.
  4. Switch to the indicated shutter speed.

    • Select [Yes] to switch to the indicated shutter speed.
    • Selecting [Yes (move to Tv settings)] will display the [Manual setting] screen. Go to step 2 in Manual Setting.
  5. Take the picture.


  • Shutter speeds displayed will be in a range of 1/50.0–1/8192.0 sec.
  • Do the following if [No flicker detected] is displayed, or if switching shutter speeds does not eliminate banding.

    • Set the recommended Tv setting again.
    • Change how the camera is facing, as by rotating it about 90°, then set the recommended Tv setting.
    • Try the manual setting option
  • HF flicker detection may be less accurate under these conditions.

    • Scenes with repetitive patterns (with a lattice or stripes, for example)
    • Subjects in constant motion
    • Extremely bright or dark scenes
    • Scenes with multiple light sources
    • Scenes with small flashing light sources
    • Light sources flickering at lower frequencies


  • Display of affected movies is not updated if a recommended Tv setting is applied for high-frequency flickering during HDMI output of 8K/4K movies.

Manual Setting

Check on the screen for image areas affected by light sources that flicker at high frequencies, then find a suitable shutter speed.

  1. Select [Manual setting].

  2. Adjust the shutter speed.

    • Do the following if banding is not eliminated at the shutter speed set by the recommended Tv setting.

      • Turn the Quick control dial 1 dial. With the Quick control dial 1 dial, you can increase the shutter speed set by the recommended Tv setting (×2, ×3, ×4, and so on) or decrease it (1/2×, 1/3×, 1/4×, and so on).
      • Turn the Main dial dial to fine-tune the setting.
    • If this does not eliminate banding, change how the camera is facing, as by rotating it about 90°, then set the recommended Tv setting.
  3. Shoot.


  • Shutter speeds you can set manually are in a range of 1/50.0–1/8192.0 sec.
  • Maximum sync speed in flash photography is limited to 1/181.0 sec. in shutter modes other than [Electronic Electronic shutter].
  • In [Electronic Electronic shutter] shutter mode, maximum sync speed in flash photography is limited to 1/128.0 sec. The following conditions limit maximum flash sync speed to 1/181.0 sec.

    • With RF-S or EF-S lenses attached
    • When set to [1.6x (crop)] ()
  • Dark lenses may prevent correct display simulation.
  • Image display on the screen or in the viewfinder may differ from actual shooting results. Take some test shots in advance.