Movie Clip Numbering

Recorded movies saved in a folder are assigned a clip number from 001 to 999. You can change how clips are numbered.


(1) Clip number

  1. Select [Set-up: Movie Clip Number] ().

  2. Set the item.

    • Select [Continuous] or [Auto reset].


  • The XFVC and CRM folder each hold up to 999 files. You can check the number of movie files by referring to [Playback: Set image search conditions] (). If a card already has 999 files, either delete existing movies or use a different card.


For continuous file numbering regardless of switching cards

Clip numbering is continuous up to 999, even if you replace a card or switch the target card (as in Card 1Card 2). This is useful when movies numbered between 001 to 999 on multiple cards will be saved in a single folder on a computer, for example.

Note that numbering may continue after the number of any existing movies on cards that you switch to. If you prefer continuous movie numbering, consider using a newly formatted card each time.

Card A (Card 1)

Card B (Card 2)

(1) Next sequential clip number

Auto Reset

For restarting clip numbering from 001 after switching cards

Clip numbering is reset to 001 if you replace a card or switch the target card (as in Card 1Card 2). This is useful if you want to organize movies by cards.

Note that numbering may continue after the number of any existing movies on cards that you switch to. If you want to save images with the file numbering starting from 001, use a newly formatted card each time.

Card A (Card 1)

Card B (Card 2)

(1) Clip numbering is reset