Displaying Images

  1. In Windows, set the HDR option in the display settings.

  2. Confirm that [HDR display] is selected on the [View settings] tab in [Preferences].

    • If it is not selected, select the checkbox, click [OK], then restart DPP.
  3. Select an image to display.

  4. On the Settings tool palette, select [On] in [HDR PQ].

    • HDR PQ display only applies to the main window, edit image window, preview window, second windows, and widows showing a magnified view for checking. In other windows, images are displayed in SDR to suit the monitor, resembling HDR PQ display as much as possible.
    • The following icons in the preview window and on thumbnail frames distinguish images displayed in HDR PQ mode.

      • Thumbnail frame: HDR PQ thumbnail frame
      • Preview window (when connected to an HDR monitor): HDR preview
      • Preview window (when connected to an SDR monitor, or in Windows 8.1 or macOS): SDR preview


  • On SDR monitors, image display is adjusted for SDR monitor characteristics and closely resembles HDR PQ display on an HDR monitor.

    However, display gives a different impression of color and gradation than on HDR monitors.

  • A multi-monitor environment (with an SDR and HDR monitor) is recommended if you will view both HDR PQ mode images and SDR images.