Renaming Image Files

  1. In the main window, select multiple images to rename.

  2. Select [Start Rename tool] in the [Tools] menu.

  3. Complete the required settings, then click [Execute].

    • Processing begins, and files are renamed.


  • File names in red in [Modified File Name] are duplicates. Any duplicates will prevent you from renaming files. Change the settings to eliminate duplicates.


  • To rename individual image files in the main window, right-click the thumbnail and select [Rename].
  • The renaming tool is not available when the [Collection] window is displayed (). Moreover, individual files cannot be renamed.

Renaming Image Files Based on Main Window Sort Order

You can batch-rename image files based on the sort order in the main window.

  1. In the main window, sort images as desired ().

  2. Select multiple images to name.

  3. Select [Start Rename tool] in the [Tools] menu.

  4. Select [Fit to main window].

  5. Configure the settings as needed.

    • To duplicate the images, select [Copy and Rename].
  6. Click [Execute].

    • The files are renamed, keeping the main window sort order.