Metering Mode
Four methods (metering modes) to measure the subject's brightness are provided. Normally, evaluative metering is recommended. Evaluative metering is set automatically in Basic Zone modes (except in : mode, which uses center-weighted average metering).
Select [: Metering mode].
Select an option.
: Evaluative metering
General-purpose metering mode suited even for backlit subjects. The camera adjusts the exposure automatically to suit the scene.
: Partial metering
Effective where there are much brighter lights around the subject due to backlight, etc. The partial metering area is indicated on the screen.
: Spot metering
Effective when metering a specific part of the subject. The spot metering area is indicated on the screen.
: Center-weighted average
The metering across the screen is averaged, with the center of the screen weighted more heavily.
- With (evaluative metering), holding down the shutter button halfway when shooting with [One-Shot AF] locks the exposure value (AE lock). With (partial metering), (spot metering), or (center-weighted average metering), exposure is set at the moment the picture is taken (without locking the exposure value when the shutter button is pressed halfway).