Flash Exposure Compensation

Flash output is adjustable. The amount of flash exposure compensation can be set in a range of ±3 stops, in 1/3-stop increments.

  1. Select Flash exposure compensation / flash output setting with the joystick.

  2. Set the flash exposure compensation amount.

    • Press the joystick horizontally or turn Select dial to set the amount of compensation, then push the joystick straight in.
    • “0.3” represents 1/3 stop and “0.7,” 2/3 stop.
    • To cancel flash exposure compensation, return the value to “±0.”
    • After you set a new value, it will not change if you press the joystick vertically.
    • After changing the value, the changed value will not be set if the Undo button is pressed.


  • In general, use positive compensation for bright subjects and negative compensation for dark ones.
  • When exposure compensation is set in 1/2-stop increments on the camera, flash exposure compensation is set in a range of ±3 stops in 1/2-stop increments.
  • The Speedlite setting takes precedence if flash exposure compensation is set on both the Speedlite and the camera.
  • You can set the flash exposure compensation amount by turning Select dial directly without selecting Flash exposure compensation / flash output setting with the joystick (C.Fn-13).