Frame Extraction from 4K Movies or 4K Time-Lapse Movies

From 4K or 4K time-lapse movies, you can select individual frames to save as JPEG still images. This is referred to as “frame grabbing.”

  1. Switch to playback.

    • Press the Playback button.
  2. Select a 4K movie or 4K time-lapse movie.

    • Use the Left keyRight key keys for selection.
    • On the shooting information screen (), 4K movies and 4K time-lapse movies are indicated by a [4K] icon.
    • In index display, press the Quick Control/Set button button to switch to single-image display.
  3. In single-image display, press the Quick Control/Set button button.

  4. Select [Movie playback].

    • The movie will start playing back.
  5. Press the Quick Control/Set button button to pause the movie.

    • The movie playback panel will appear.
  6. Select a frame to grab.

    • Use the movie playback panel to select the frame to grab as a still image.
    • For movie playback panel instructions, see Movie Playback Panel.
  7. Select [Frame Grab].

  8. Save.

    • Select [OK] to save the current frame as a JPEG still image.
  9. Select the image to display.

    • Check the destination folder and image file number.
    • Select [View original movie] or [View extracted still image].


  • Frame grabbing is not possible with Full HD movies, Full HD time-lapse movies, HD movies, or with 4K movies or 4K time-lapse movies from a different camera.