Turning on the Power

  1. Turn the power switch to Power ON.

    • Flash recharging begins.
    • CHARGE appears on the LCD panel during recharging. The LCD display will turn off once recharging is complete.
  2. Confirm that flash recharging is finished.

    • The flash-ready lamp changes as follows: offred (blinking) (Quick flash ready) → red (lit) (fully charged).
    • To fire a test flash, press the test flash button (flash-ready lamp, (1)).


  • Test flash firing is not available while a camera's metering timer is active.


  • Flash settings are retained even after the power is turned off. To retain settings when replacing the batteries, turn the power off before replacing.

Quick Flash

Quick flash enables flash photography even when the flash-ready lamp is still blinking in red (before fully charged). It is available in all camera drive modes. Although flash output is limited to approx. 1/2 to 1/6 of full output, this feature is useful for shooting with a shorter firing interval.

In manual flash photography, Quick flash is available when the flash output is set to 1/4 to 1/1024. Note that Quick flash is not available for wireless flash photography.


  • Using Quick flash in continuous shooting may cause underexposure, due to the reduced flash output.


  • For details on CHARGE display when the Speedlite is set as a sender in radio transmission wireless flash photography, see LCD Panel Illumination.
  • Quick flash can be disabled in P.Fn-02.

Auto Power Off

This feature conserves battery power by turning the Speedlite off automatically if it is left idle for approx. 90 sec. To restore power to the Speedlite, either press the camera shutter button halfway or press the test flash button (flash-ready lamp).

Auto power off takes effect in approx. 5 min. when the Speedlite is set as a sender in radio transmission wireless flash photography () or configured for linked shooting ().


  • Auto power off can be disabled in C.Fn-01.
  • When attached to a camera, the Speedlite turns off automatically if left idle for approx. 90 sec. after the camera power is turned off.

Locking Flash Operations

Button and dial operations of the Speedlite can be disabled by setting the power switch to LOCK. This can help prevent accidentally changing the Speedlite settings.

LOCKED is displayed on the LCD panel in response to button or dial operations.


  • Even with the power switch set to LOCK, test flash firing is available. Note that the LCD panel is illuminated in response to button or dial operations.

LCD Panel Illumination

The LCD panel is illuminated for approx. 12 sec. (Timer 12 seconds) in response to button or dial operations.

For details on LCD panel illumination when the Speedlite is set as a sender in radio transmission wireless flash photography, see LCD Panel Illumination.


  • LCD panel illumination can be changed in C.Fn-22.