3-6 Color Matrix Tuning

This item adjusts the color tone.

Gain/Phase/R-G, R-B, G-R, G-B, B-R, B-G

This function adjusts the tone. Gain adjusts the color depth, and Phase adjusts the hue.

Also, the following six settings allow you to fine tune the differences between colors: R-G, R-B, G-R, G-B, B-R, and B-G. They are effective for adjusting subtle shades of color.

Adjusts the color depth.
Adjusts the hue.
Adjusts the tone from cyan to green, and red to magenta.
Adjusts the tone from cyan to blue, and red to yellow.
Adjusts the tone from magenta to red, and green to cyan.
Adjusts the tone from magenta to blue, and green to yellow.
Adjusts the tone from yellow to red, and blue to cyan.
Adjusts the tone from yellow to green, and blue to magenta.

Changes to color depth using Gain settings

Gain: -25

Gain: 0

Gain: +25

Changes to hue using Phase settings

Phase: -9

Phase: 0

Phase: +9

Changes to tone using R-G settings

R-G: -25

R-G: 0

R-G: +25