White Balance Correction

White balance correction has the same effect as using a commercially available color temperature conversion filter or color compensating filter.

White Balance Correction

  1. Select [Shooting: WB Shift/Bkt.].

  2. Set the white balance correction.

    Sample setting: A2, G1

    • Press the Up keyDown key or Left keyRight key keys to move the “■” mark to your preferred position.
    • B is for blue, A for amber, M for magenta, and G for green. White balance is corrected in the direction you move the mark.

      On the right of the screen, [Shift] indicates the direction and correction amount, respectively.

    • Pressing the INFO button will cancel all the [WB Shift/Bkt.] settings.
    • Press the Quick Control/Set button button to exit setup.


  • One level of the blue/amber correction is equivalent to approx. 5 mireds of a color temperature conversion filter. (Mired: Unit of measure for color temperature used to indicate values such as the density of a color temperature conversion filter.)

White Balance Auto Bracketing

White balance bracketing enables you to capture three images at once with different color tones.

Setting the white balance bracketing amount

B/A bias ±3 levels

  • In step 2 for White Balance Correction, when you turn the Dial dial, the “■” mark on the screen will change to “■ ■ ■” (3 points).

  • Turning the dial clockwise sets the B/A bracketing, and turning it counterclockwise sets the M/G bracketing.

    On the right of the screen, [Bracket] indicates the bracketing direction and correction amount.

  • Pressing the INFO button will cancel all the [WB Shift/Bkt.] settings.
  • Press the Quick Control/Set button button to exit setup.


  • During white balance bracketing, the maximum burst for continuous shooting will be lower.
  • Since three images are recorded for one shot, it takes longer to record the image to the card.


  • The images will be bracketed in the following sequence: 1. Standard white balance, 2. Blue (B) bias, and 3. Amber (A) bias, or 1. Standard white balance, 2. Magenta (M) bias, and 3. Green (G) bias.
  • You can also set white balance correction and AEB together with white balance bracketing. If you set AEB in combination with white balance bracketing, a total of nine images will be recorded for a single shot.
  • The white balance icon blinks when WB bracketing is set. (If the icon is not shown, press the INFO button repeatedly to switch the display.)
  • Bracket stands for bracketing.