Still Photo Cropping/Aspect Ratio

You can change the image area before shooting. With [1.6x (crop)], the center of the image sensor (an area equivalent to APS-C size) is used, for an angle of view that corresponds to approx. 1.6 times the lens focal length. Other setting options enable you to change the aspect ratio used for shooting.

  1. Select [Shooting: StillsCropping/aspect ratio].

  2. Select an option.

    • Select [Full-frame], [1.6x (crop)], [1:1 (aspect ratio)], [4:3 (aspect ratio)], or [16:9 (aspect ratio)].
    • With RF-S/EF-S lenses, [1.6x (crop)] is set automatically, and no other option is available.
    • To proceed without changing shooting area display, press the Quick Control/Set button and go to step 4.
  3. Select how the shooting area is displayed.

    • On the screen in step 2, press the INFO button.
    • Select the type of display, then press the Quick Control/Set button.


    • FineMedium/NormalMedium/FineSmall 1/NormalSmall 1 image quality options are not available when [1.6x (crop)] is set, or with RF-S/EF-S lenses.
    • Shooting with [1.6x (crop)] and image quality set to FineMedium/NormalMedium/FineSmall 1/NormalSmall 1 produces FineLarge/NormalLarge/Small 2/Small 2 images, respectively.
    • Shooting with an RF-S/EF-S lens when [1:1 (aspect ratio)], [4:3 (aspect ratio)], or [16:9 (aspect ratio)] is set automatically clears the setting and shoots with [1.6x (crop)] at a 3:2 aspect ratio.
  4. Take the picture.

    • When [1.6x (crop)] is set or an RF-S/EF-S lens is used, an image magnified approx. 1.6× is displayed.
    • When [1:1 (aspect ratio)], [4:3 (aspect ratio)], or [16:9 (aspect ratio)] is set, the image within the black masked or outlined area is captured.


  • Areas outside the cropped area are not recorded in RAW shooting when [1.6x (crop)] is set, or with RF-S/EF-S lenses.
  • [Shooting area] has no effect on display when [1.6x (crop)] is set, or with RF-S/EF-S lenses.
  • [Custom Functions: Add cropping information] is only available when [Full-frame] is set.


  • For details on pixel counts when cropping or an aspect ratio is set, see Still photo pixel count.
  • Nearly 100% field of view coverage is maintained vertically and horizontally when cropping or an aspect ratio is set.
  • Aspect ratio information is added to RAW images when an aspect ratio is set, which are captured at full size. When the RAW images are played back, the image area used for shooting is indicated by lines. Note that only the shooting image area is shown in Slide Show.