Setting the Shooting Mode

You can change the shooting mode to suit the scene you will shoot.

Tips Effective in these situations:

  • Shooting outdoors or where people are moving around

    Select [Mode 1: Standard]. Subject blur will be reduced to capture photos with a good sense of balance.

  • Shooting indoors or where people are relatively still

    Select [Mode 2: Indoor priority]. Colors will be darker than with [Mode 1: Standard], and photos will be sharper, with less noise.

  1. Access the settings screen.

  2. Tap [Shooting mode].

  3. Adjust the setting as needed.


  • Handheld shots and photos in dark environments or with much subject movement are more likely to be blurry in [Mode 2: Indoor priority] shooting mode. To reduce the number of blurry shots, set the shooting mode to [Mode 1: Standard].
  • Zooming is limited to 2× in [Mode 2: Indoor priority] shooting mode. This makes it more difficult to capture close-ups than when set to [Mode 1: Standard].