Group Photo Mode

Use the [] (Group Photo) mode to shoot group photos. You can take a picture in which both the people in the front and people in the back are all in focus.

Tips Shooting tips

  • Use a wide-angle lens.

    When using a zoom lens, use the wide-angle end to make it easy to get all the people in the group in focus at once, from the front row to the back. Also, if you place a little distance between the camera and the subjects (so that the subjects' entire bodies are in the shot), the focus range increases in depth.

  • Take multiple shots of the group.

    It is recommended to shoot multiple photos in case some people close their eyes.


  • The angle of view changes slightly, due to distortion correction.
  • Depending on the shooting conditions, focus may not be attained for everyone from the front to the back of the image.


  • Using a tripod is recommended when shooting indoors or under low light.