6-34 Animals: Birds (Small Birds Flying or Diving Into Water)

This setting is perfect for photographing small birds that move suddenly and quickly.

Birds (Small Flying Birds) Setting List
AF operation Servo AF
AF area Flexible Zone AF/Whole area
Orientation-linked AF point Separated AF points
Whole area tracking Servo AF Enable
Subject to detect Animals
Eye detection Auto
Servo AF characteristics Case Auto
Auto characteristics 1
Servo 1st image priority Equal priority/Release priority
Lens electronic MF Enable (actual size)

For [AF Area], we recommend a wider [AF Area] such as [Flexible Zone AF] or [Whole area AF].

Set [Subject to detect] to [Animals] and [Whole area tracking Servo AF] to [Enable] makes framing and adjusting the composition easier.

If the focus is delayed when a bird moves suddenly, set [Case Auto characteristics] to [Responsive: +1]. If the focus is still delayed, set [Servo AF characteristics] to [Case M], then set both [Tracking sensitivity] and [Accel./decel. tracking] to [+2].

Also, set [Servo 1st image priority] to [Release priority] to begin shooting quickly.