Sound Recording

You can record movies while recording sound with either the built-in microphone or an external one. You can also freely adjust the sound-recording level.

Use [Shooting: Sound rec.] to set sound recording functions.


  • Sounds from Wi-Fi operations may be captured with built-in or external microphones. During sound recording, using the wireless communication function is not recommended.
  • When connecting an external microphone to the camera, make sure the plug is fully inserted.
  • The camera's built-in microphone will also record mechanical sounds of the lens or sounds of camera/lens operations if AF operations are performed or the camera is operated during movie recording. In this case, using an external microphone may reduce these sounds. If the sounds are still distracting with an external microphone, it may be more effective to remove the external microphone from the camera and position it away from the camera and lens.
  • Do not connect anything other than an external microphone to the camera's external microphone IN terminal.


  • In Basic Zone modes, the settings available for [Sound recording] are [On] and [Off]. Set to [On] for automatic adjustment of the recording level.
  • Audio is also output when the camera is connected to televisions via HDMI, unless [Sound rec.] is set to [Disable].
  • Sound is recorded at a 48 kHz/16-bit sampling rate.

Sound Recording/Sound-Recording Level

  • Auto

    The sound-recording level is adjusted automatically. Auto level control will take effect automatically in response to the sound level.

  • Manual

    You can adjust the sound-recording level as needed.

    Select [Rec. level] and press the Left keyRight key keys while looking at the level meter to adjust the sound-recording level. Look at the peak hold indicator, and adjust so that the level meter sometimes lights up on the right of the “12” (–12 dB) mark for the loudest sounds. If it exceeds “0,” the sound will be distorted.

  • Disable

    Sound will not be recorded.

Wind Filter

Set to [Enable] for automatic reduction of audio distortion in windy outdoor scenes. Only activated when the camera's built-in microphone is used. When the wind filter function takes effect, part of the low bass sounds will also be reduced.


This feature suppresses sound distortion caused by loud noises. Set to [Enable] if sound is distorted with [Sound rec.] set to [Auto] or [Manual].