Gr: Shooting in a Different Flash Mode for Each Group

You can set and shoot in a different flash mode for each firing group, with up to five groups (A, B, C, D, and E).

The flash modes that can be set are (1) E-TTL II / E-TTL autoflash, (2) manual flash, and (3) auto external flash metering. In flash mode (1) or (3), exposure is controlled to obtain standard exposure for the main subject from all groups combined.

This function is for advanced users who are very knowledgeable and experienced in lighting.

  1. Press the MENU button.

  2. Select [Flash mode].

  3. Set the flash mode to [Individual group control].

    • Select [Individual group control] and then [OK].
    • The receiver unit's flash mode is set automatically during shooting, controlled by the sender unit.
  4. Set the firing group of the receivers.

    • Set this manually on each receiver.
    • Set the firing group (A, B, C, D, or E) for all receivers.
    • For instructions on configuring receiver settings, refer to the instruction manual of the flash unit.
  5. Set the flash mode.

    • Select [Wireless set.].

    Setting the flash mode

    • For the selected firing group, choose [E-TTL II], [Manual flash], [AutoExtFlash], or [Disable].

    Setting the flash output and flash exposure compensation amount

    • Configure flash features available in the flash mode.
    • For [Manual flash], set the flash output. For [E-TTL II] or [AutoExtFlash], set the flash exposure compensation amount as needed.
    • Repeat step 4 to configure flash features for all firing groups.


  • For [AutoExtFlash] flash mode, make sure the receivers support auto external flash metering. Firing in this flash mode is not possible if auto external flash metering is not supported.
  • In [E-TTL II] or [AutoExtFlash] flash mode, exposure is controlled to obtain standard exposure for the main subject as if using a single group, which may cause overexposure if multiple firing groups are pointing toward the main subject.


  • For details on [AutoExtFlash], refer to the instruction manual of flash units that support auto external flash metering.
  • The order of firing among firing groups does not need to be consecutive; for example, A, C, E can be set.
  • Set any group you do not wish to fire to [Disable] when setting the flash mode in step 3.